Results of Business Coaching


ALAN SAMUEL COHEN - Executive coach, speaker, author -

My name is Alan Cohen and as a result of working with Michael, I not only started to sing again, I birthed my second book, have had record months in business, and have learned some powerful new tools to use with my own coaching clients and am leading my first sober retreat.

I was able to fully explore my beliefs around money, relationships, leadership, self expression, and spirituality. As a result, had significant clarity about what I wanted to do, and who I wanted to be in the world. What I enjoyed about Michael’s process is the blend of exploring how I see the world, as well as committing to practices week to week to anchor new learnings and awareness.

I am proud that Michael is a significant part of my power team now, as a coach, and also friend. He embodies a kind of wisdom and heart that I have rarely witnessed. My life was already good. He helped it become great!

Sowmya Murthy.jpg

Sowmya murthy - SaaS growth executive

Michael brings a visible mastery of compassion, courage and creativity that nurtures an instinctive receptivity for life. like deep running waters many women in my leadership position welcome such a high-integrity container in which to groom further in our calling to serve others. feminine qualities such as empathy, tenderness, unconditional love, radiance, emotional accessibility, intuition, ease in ones own body and coalition building - all come to life with Michael’s work.


Michael consistently embodies the frequency of love. As a deeply feeling human, highly sensitive soul, and mother to many, I've learned to be discerning about who I invest my time, energy, and resources in. As a writing coach who cares as much about the author's healing and transformation as I do about the product, it's vital I access and express my truth and stand for it. Michael won't settle. He'll stand with you - modeling what unconditional love looks like - until you can fly free.


eric hung - founder of & pew pew tactical, investor

If you really want to know yourself better and reach your goals, hire Michael. Unless you're my competition, then definitely don't do it.


DORIS HANLEY - franchise owner,Global Health & Lifestyle entrepreneur

I was feeling stuck and burnt out when I was introduced to Michael. I’m a firm believer that you have to balance all areas of your life so I knew he was the perfect fit for me.

I learned to not be so transfixed on just my business and realized that there's lots of reasons outside of action that create “stuckness”. Our work brought a greater awareness to all areas of my life which resulted in an increase in business. 

Michael is authentic, caring and all the things that I love in a person! He's intuitive and brings a unique mix of observations to his coaching. He's able to integrate the spirituality into every aspect of life, which might be lost with a normal business coach. As a mother, wife, and sensitive open-hearted person, that was especially important to me.


Jeff detweiler - bni director & executive recruiteR

To any person who seeks an opportunity to live more authentically in relationship to himself and his loved ones, or who seeks to attain his fullest potential in career, creativity, wellness or spirituality I would highly recommend the services of Michael Miller as a Coach.  Michael’s thoughtful reflections have helped me to understand the obstacles that I’ve put in place between myself and my goals.  His leadership has inspired me to adopt new ways of thinking so that my dreams can be become my reality.


JASON HARRIS - Owner syn health & earth

In our very first meeting, Michael helped me design my entire lifestyle and the business I truly wanted. He helped me get clarity to start projects that I’m in love with and I now wake up feeling energized every morning. 

I used to have crippling anxiety attacks where I couldn’t do anything. But those are gone now thanks to the guidance and support of Michael. 

Our work has helped me overcome mental, emotional and physical obstacles. I’ve grown spiritually as well, meditating more and connecting openly with everyone. On top of this, I’m making THE MOST money I’ve ever made in my life! 

I’m aligned with clear goals and we’ve created step-by-step plans to achieve them. I just want to say thank you to Michael, and I want to say thank you to you for even considering working with him. I had a huge fear around doing it but sometimes when you notice resistance and fear, you know that that thing will be one of the most beneficial steps that you can take in your life.


Nicholas mengis - Sadhu

Working with Michael was unquestionably one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life.  It was amazing to see the rapid shifts that began happening in myself and the way I showed up in the world as a direct result of the work Michael and I were doing.  I worked with Michael two different times over the last five years and it is remarkable watching and experiencing his growth as a person, coach, and healer. The power that you have inside of you is amplified ten fold with Michael at your side and the speed at which you will grow exceed your goals will be life transforming. If you are on the fence, jump off and do whatever it takes to work with Michael, he will help you become the version of yourself you’ve only dreamt of!


Billy Goldberg -

Michael set me up be more, achieve more and play bigger than I could have on my own. Allowing my highest potential to emerge so that I am living in a space I belong rather than sixth man playing a supporting role, I am a star player in the direction of my life and business. I have worked with many coaches and Michael is the one that knows what to tap into to get to what is next.

I’m building new, meaningful relationships every single day. But even more importantly, I’m absolutely clear on who I am in this world. Having Michael as my coach is something I’m unendingly thankful for. He’s a unique human being with an incredible heart—one of life’s true treasures.


Chris frIgon| Frigon Maher & Stern LLP

“We’ve never missed a weekly coaching session in 4 years. That’s the person you want in your court. There’s only one of those in your life.”

Gloria Grace Rand - Social Media Marketing Consultant

Robert Schwenkler - Rising Kings Movement FOunder

Jason Harris - Owner Syn Health & Earth


June wee - Life coach & artist

I always wanted to be a life coach but I didn’t think I was good enough. Within 2 weeks, I had my first 2 clients paying my dream rate and a month later I quit my  full-time job. I went from being afraid of what people will think of me to not giving a f*ck. Now I’m so happy. Michael's changed my life and I’m so glad I worked with him.



Our work together stretched me beyond my comfort zone and that stretching showed up in the bottom line of my business. It’s actually translating into a difference, into money in a direct way. I have a deep knowing that this growth will have a massive impact on my business and life going forward. Every conversation something incredible comes out. My confidence, vision and plan for going forward are all internally sourced. Michael helped me create a stronger foundation for who I am as a coach, a business person and man.


laura jack -

One of the things that I appreciate about Michael is his seemingly effortless ability to provide support and stretch. I always felt loved and cared for, but he always pushed me out of my comfort zone. Michael was one of the first people I told when I found out I was pregnant, and he helped guide me to create a more sustainable business while I was pregnant.


JOe johnson - Holistic mba coach

Michael helped me go from <$1500/month to $4000 in a day! He has helped me double my rates and explode my business in just a few weeks. He empowered me to instantly increase my coaching rates and I came to know myself as much more bold and courageous than before. This enabled me to grow my business, get a girlfriend and put together a band for the first time ever! Working with Michael was a blast!


Michael is authentic, caring and all the things that I love in a person! He’s intuitive and brings a unique mix of observations to his coaching. He’s able to integrate the spirituality into every aspect of life, which might be lost with a normal business coach. As a mother, wife, and sensitive open-hearted person, that was especially important to me.

Jennifer smith - Senior manager global marketing at Hewlett packard enterprise

Since working with Michael a year ago, I’ve gone from an insecure person having lost her job to a confident, successful global strategy lead and passionate Pilates instructor who is debt free, has checked Australia, Iceland, Napa, Central America off her list and who is ready to move overseas. I mean putting this all down on paper in one place is really making even me see the real impact of coaching.
Is there more to achieve…hell yeah but what I love about Michael is that his optimism for your goals and achieving those is greater than yours alone and that in itself gives you motivation and the skill to keep striving to make them a reality. So onward to finding love and making CEO by age 40!
I know they say you can achieve anything you put your mind to…but coaching helps you cut through the clutter and really uncover your true self and what’s really important to your success and happiness. I encourage anyone who’s pushing against a brick wall to work with Michael – he can help you unlock doors you never saw before. XOXO


scott tucker - founder of be financially fit, speaker, author

I’m an entrepreneur and finance coach that values my independence and knowing what I’m here on earth to do. I am wacky, creative, imaginative and hungry for growth. Week in and week out I could count on Michael to be there for whatever I needed.
We got really deep into what I want out of my life and I now understand my purpose and my true self. I know what I’m here to do. I wrote a bestselling book, led virtual summits and built my business online.
There are still struggles but I honor the struggle now. I am unorganized and make stupid decisions but I have a clear path ahead of me. I live outside my comfort zone. I consider him a close friend and mentor.


jeff glennon - business consultant

I have learned and grown more than I thought I ever would over the last six months while working with Michael as my coach.

In September last year I was angry at the world, frustrated and generally feeling sorry for myself. I was in a familiar cycle. The job I was in (after some initial excitement) was depressing and work the environment was hostile. It should be noted that I was a contributor to that hostility as I found it difficult to be positive at the office. Michael helped me understand that it was up to me to change my situation and not up to the world to deliver me happiness.

He challenged me to design my own future and to create a plan to make it a reality. He helped me build on my personal strengths and to acknowledge my areas where I need to improve. It was sometimes very painful and there were times I wanted to bail on our call. Michael didn't let me off the hook that easily and called me on BS like that all the time...which I very much needed.

Michael gave me the tools to set myself up for success, to recognize when I am going off the rails and to recognize when old bad habits are creeping back in. I am in a much better place than I was when I started working with Michael. I have a plan and feel like I am in complete control of my own destiny and happiness. However, more importantly, I am starting to enjoy the journey rather than just driving to the destination in anticipation of some payoff. This "awareness” is the biggest gift that I have received from Michael.


garrett philbin - founder of be awesome not broke

When I joined Michael’s program it was early on in my business and I was doing a lot of work but not getting new clients. I had a fear of reaching out to people directly, a very, I would say, intense fear of selling. I definitely didn’t want to come across as “sales-y”.
Life now is pretty sweet. My business revenue is going way up and the most important part, is the mindset shift - I am a whole lot different than where I was a year ago. Michael helped me re-frame how I saw selling selling and remove my fears of being “salesy” and "pushy". I speak from a much more genuine and authentic place about what I do that has other people become super interested in.


danny madaroski - life coach

Working with Michael was a life changing experience. His ability to see and stand for my greatness amongst growing circumstances that felt impossible to overcome, Michael (through his love, being and powerful questioning), was able to facilitate greater awareness around the survival habits I had built up over the years, which would be the catalyst for bringing about the transformation.

I became empowered doing something I’m passionate about which was only a distant dream and something I would talk about doing someday beforehand.

I now consider Michael my coach, friend and someone I truly respect and love and I thank him for coming into my life.


Greg Prasker - The modern shaman

When I met Michael I'd been a hypnotist for about five years and it had never taken off. I was that guy that thought, "What do I need a coach for? I know everything I need to know. I'm guided by spirit."  

But something drew me to work with him. See I couldn't work with a regular business coach. I'm deep, so someone has to be intuitive. They have to be tapping into my spirit guides, their spirit guides, and that's just what he did. 

He helped me realize that my business wasn't about hypnosis, it was about me. It wasn't about selling people my service. It was about building a relationship with them and selling the relationship.

It was about being my authentic self. When I found spirituality, I gave everything up and then I realized I wasn't being myself. Michael taught me to be just that. Everything just shifted when I started being authentic. Everything has taken off since that day. I have started my own CBD oil company, my shamanic and mindset work practice has taken off and I owe a huge deal of gratitude to Michael Miller. If you're thinking about it... if you're a stuck or you want to take your business to the next level, he's your guy. So amazing and I'm completely grateful. Ah-Ho and namaste to all!


JOHN CLEMENTE - tech executive

Michael helped me through an extremely tough time in my life where I‘d hit a career and personal life wall and felt stuck. I had never gone through something like that before but knew it was time to try other methods of getting out of that funk. Self fixing by reading, meditating, eating healthy and working out wasn’t getting it done.

Through his spiritual and grounded guidance, I was able to get back to a path of connecting my heart, mind and soul which has been transformational. It has enabled me to be ready to take on new challenges and opportunities as they arise both in my professional and personal life while genuinely enjoying and valuing  every moment and experience. 

I took a leap of faith in pursuing a real change and in less than 6 months from my first meeting Michael I had completely turned my life around and am forever grateful. I turn 42 years old this weekend and I feel like I’m just getting started.



I was a skeptic about coaching. I was someone who was too busy with my daily hustle to think about anything other than responding to all the emails in my inbox. I was working as fast and hard as I possibly could, and believed that going 110% was the only way to get me where I wanted to be.  I took my first call with Michael in the elevator of my office building, on the way to my next meeting. When he asked me what my Purpose was, I realized that I didn't have a clue.

It was obvious from our first call that I could greatly benefit from a partnership in my own self development. The calls that followed have been an exploration into finding more meaning and purpose, learning how to live more from my heart, learning how to challenge myself and grow. Mike has pushed me to express myself more, not only through taking more risks, but through encouraging self expression trough participation in singing and the arts. I've been introduced to many new ideas as well as organizations that have helped me grow my business and think in ways I never though possible. Michael is a true friend, and someone I know I will always be able to count on. He in genuine, sincere, warm and has a huge heart.


Mason Moncheck - day trader

I began working with Michael during the darkest period of my life. Initially, my expectation was that he would help me pull myself out of that dark place, as fast as possible. What happened instead was that Michael guided me in exploring where I was at, rather than running from it. He taught me different ways to truly be present with myself and with the world, and then forms of creative expression to engage and channel my experience. Through these practices, I began to develop an awareness that allowed me to reach deeper places of my soul. My perspective on life began to shift and although the world felt as if it was put on pause in the midst of the pandemic, I actually started really living. Michael exposed me to a lot of beautiful things and supported me in getting clearer on what is true for me. As a result of our work together I started singing, playing the drum, laughing and loving more, using my voice and expressing myself freely, finding comfort in solitude, genuinely enjoying the simple moments in a day, I grew closer to family and friends, I moved across the country to a place I had never visited before, I continued to pursue my business venture, and I grew my spiritual connection. I feel deeply grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from and be supported and loved unconditionally by someone as wise, inspiring and powerful as Michael Miller.

Michael’s gifts for freeing the voice and discovering the desires of the creative heart are unrivaled.



Results of Vocal Coaching for Business Owners

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Max Lieberman

I've always wanted to write short stories, poetry and other creative writing pieces to share with the world. But whenever I sat down to write, the infamous writer's block suddenly appeared and I had trouble finishing things. Working with Michael, I came to realize that this lapse in ability to express myself was fear more than anything else, that whatever I wrote I wouldn't be proud of, leading me to give up. In my commitment to the program, I stated that I would surrender to the present moment and commit to submitting one creative writing piece each week. Writing was my personal practice but in the group sessions the focus was on singing, expressing voices and sounds I never had before. This practice of singing included everything from Kirtan to improvisational sounds and lyrics. It opened a door to the True Voice inside and bled into the writing. I felt an immense freedom when I gave up judging my work and let the words flow, both on and off the page. The TVOJ program helped me to cope with my fear of commitment and it's now something I trust.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Taylor Jacobson

Perhaps my whole life I've felt this almost craving, but really intuition or drive within me to, um, to be wild and free. And it's easy to attach that to things outside of myself cause they're easier. But the truth is that that, that drive is an internal drive about how I am, How I show up, um, How I experienced myself, how free I experienced myself. Yeah. 

And I've known on some level for years that the voice is the pathway into that. That what I, what I've called singing is a really just resonant true, right path for me into that. And um, and yet there's something not quite right about like quote unquote, "learning to sing", you know, it's not, there's something beautiful about that too. Um, and this program just like it really nails the essence of, I think what all of us are looking for that sense of freedom, because it's not about learning to sing. It's about, it's about setting ourselves free through the voice and I just felt so connected to that purpose and nurtured in that purpose by you and by this program. Um, Just feels like one of life's many miracles that showed up for me.


Buo - International Intuitive Consultant & Energy Healer

I was curious about training my voice when I first met a vocal coach that told me anyone can sing.  That stayed with me and it planted the seed that I was able to sing, even though I was told I was not a good singer.  I always wanted to sing well, not really sure why, but it was something that was yearning to be expressed.  I was nervous and hesitant to even try.  I reached out to 3 different teachers over the span of 5 years and each teacher was not a good match for me relationally.  I did not feel comfortable with these teachers as individuals.  It wasn’t until I met Michael Patrick Miller when I realized that I didn’t necessarily need a technique teacher, even though Michael teaches technique, I needed a Shaman to help me heal the area of my being (throat chakra) that was out of balance.  For years I was told I couldn’t sing because I was out of tune, and so I believed it and was filled with judgment, criticism, fear and doubt about being seen creatively.  What Michael Patrick Miller offers is the release of mental and emotional issues.  He supports the elimination of resistance and possibly trauma around being seen, and not wanting to explore our creative expression.  Once Michael broke through my walls, we were able to get into the technique of vocal coaching.  Thank you Michael.  Very much appreciate Shaman doing this kind of work for creatives.


Kristina Ensminger

Michael’s gifts for freeing the voice and discovering the desires of the creative heart are unrivaled.


Deva Ram - Life Coach -

I am a life coach and I have been on the path of self development for over 20 years, and yet what I have found with Michael was the most transformative work I have been given to do in a long time (too bad I cant sing it ;-) )

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Kevin Steineman

At first I was afraid, I was petrified. I never thought I could sing with fear trickling down my spine. And then I met michael, who helped me find my true voice and realize it’s my choice to sing, to share, to inspire and let others hear what I have to say through song. Since then, I’ve performed 2x in front of groups of up to 50 people, and 20 people live and I continue to practice signing and harmonizing daily. Thank you Michael, you were right - this is exactly what my spirit needed.


Devon Walker

Micheal held beautiful space for those of us in his True Voice program. He led with a rawness, a realness and genuine love that I haven’t experienced before in a coach. He created such fertile ground for our fledging voices to grow in joy, creativity and the full acceptance. He served as a loving mirror that accentuated my self expression and served as a consistent reminder of the song of the universe in our hearts. Micheal is the person I recommend for opening the door to the sacred world of expression.


By far the best experience in learning more about my true voice as well as the different types of voices that exist. - Kevin S.

Michael leads his sessions with intelligence, sacred intention, and ease. I always felt supported and was able to relax into the process. This felt like a holistic and dynamic dance that could allow my voice and being to play and flow. - Maureen R.